LUMA Data Extractor

1. Enter access token A token is required to use this service. Request access

2. Choose dataset Your user token has access to the following datasets

3. Extraction options Based on selection(s) above

4. Select variable(s) to extract The status flag is always returned

5. Download data

By downloading data you agree to the following terms of use:
  • Your user token is personalised and can not be transferred to others.
  • With your token, you agree to keep your user details confidential and to not pass LUMA data to others
  • If you know others interested in data from LUMA, please encourage them to sign up as a user.

We request that you acknowledge LUMA as the source of any data downloaded from the archive, in any publication, paper, report, or thesis where they are used, as:

Data provided by Prof Sue Grimmond, London Urban Micromet data Archive (LUMA)

If you are submitting data for journal publication, please contact us to discuss appropriate co-authorship and/or which papers to cite as source of the data

Show measurement metadata for selected dataset and period (opens in new tab/window). The user guide explains how to interpret this
Download data directly to your browser (opens in new tab/window)
Display a URL from which selected data can be downloaded